
Microsoft Azure is an ever-growing set of cloud services designed to help your organization meet the challenges it faces. It lets you build, manage and deploy applications across an enormous global network, using your favorite infrastructure and tools.

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What is Cloud Computing? What is Microsoft Azure?

Cloud computing is booming. Indeed, it's clear that this technology is replacing on-premise infrastructures in companies across all industries.

But why? Well, its main advantage is that it enables organizations to access IT resources without having to erect an on-site data center.

In 2018,this booming market is shared by four main players: Amazon Web Services Microsoft Azure Alibaba  and  Google Cloud Platform

Microsoft Azure is the new name ( since 2014 ) for Microsoft's Cloud platform. It's a giant cloud where you can build, develop and deploy your applications.

At first, it was a simple Windows Server-based platform, and then gradually gained in flexibility.

As a result, Azure developers can use any programming language and tools to create applications, from open-source solutions to proprietary Microsoft technologies.

Red Surface laptop on a checkered bed by a window

Why opt for Azure? 


Azure is first and foremost a multitude of available services, enabling you to use a single provider and thus save time and increase flexibility.


Your information system is much more secure on a Cloud platform than on your premises or on most third-party hosting solutions.

Did you know that Azure, with the highest number of certifications and approvals, is the only one to be validated by all the European CNILs?

Azure is also compliant with numerous regulatory requirements such as RGPD, ISO 27001, HIPAA, FedRAMP, SOC 1 and SOC 2 and HDS (healthcare data hosting)


Windows Azure is committed to providing its users with responsive support when needed (less than 2 hours for live support on the phone, and a few minutes response time on Twitter). So developers can work with complete peace of mind.

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Active Directory

Active Directory

Active Directory is a directory service created by Microsoft in 1996 for installation on Windows Servers.

 By storing information about a domain's network resources in a database, Active Directory's primary aim is to centralize the identification and authentication of a network of workstations Windows

Its additional functions enable administrators to efficiently manage Group Policy, software installation and updates on network stations.

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What does the active directory contain? 

There are three types of objects in the Active Directory structure:

The resources

Workstation, printer, scanner, shared folders, etc.

The users

Individual and group accounts, i.e. lists of users with their rights and services.



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Power BI

Power BI est l'application de Microsoft qui permet de concevoir des tableaux de bords très élaborés.

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The software offers three tools according to the stages in your project's life cycle:

    A Power BI Desktop fat client, updated monthly. This tool lets you design reports on a workstation.

    Designed for ease of use, the Desktop tool comprises three modules:

    1. A data extraction and preparation module called Power Query
    2. A data modeling module
    3. A report design module

    A mobile application compatible with all mobile operating systems to enable your mobile users to access your reports and dashboards adapted for mobile use.

    A web portal in SaaS mode called Power BI Service. This cloud service is part of the Office 365 platform and allows you to centrally distribute, share and secure your reports and dashboards.


      The implementation of a company management tool enabling decision-makers to make the best decisions.

      Automate your performance indicators with a comprehensive, intuitive decision-making tool

      Interactive, highly visual, self-service reporting (numerous native or customized visualizations are available for download).

      Autonomous creation of reports from various data sources (Data Warehouse, Olap, etc.) by business users

      Advanced data analysis with integrated Machine Learning functions

      Big Data analysis

      The ability to create shareable data models (datasets)

      Publication, centralization and easy access to reports on the Power BI Service portal

      View your reports on mobile devices, tablets or workstations

      For more information, contact our experts