Veeam Backup training
Modernize your data protection and eliminate downtime with Veeam® Backup & Replication™, the simple, flexible, reliable and powerful solution to protect your cloud, virtual and physical workloads.
Veeam Backup training objectives
- Be able to describe usage scenarios for Veeam Availability Suite components and their relevance to their own environment
- Know how to effectively manage data availability in onsite, offsite, cloud and hybrid environments
- Ensure recovery time objectives (RTO) and recovery point objectives (RPO) are met
- Understand how to install and configure Veeam Availability Suite in their environment, ensuring effective data protection
- Be able to adapt to the constantly changing technical, commercial and regulatory needs of an organization
- Ensure that recovery is possible, effective, efficient, safe and compliant with commercial and legal requirements
- Provide visibility of enterprise data assets and produce effective reports and dashboards to monitor performance and risks
- Learn to perform basic troubleshooting and analysis of the Veeam Availability Suite environment
Who should attend this Veeam Backup training course?
- xClient Datacenter Managers/Managers/Engineers, this training course will help you optimize your network performance monitoring.
Training prerequisites?
- Professionals with a sound knowledge of servers, storage, networks and virtualization
Training plan
- Describe RTOs and RPOs, their impact on the business and how to manage and monitor their performance.
- The 3-2-1-1 rule and its importance in a successful backup strategy.
Identify the components of Veeam Backup and Replication and describe their usage scenarios.
- Backup methods, their appropriate use and the underlying impact on the file system.
- Create, modify, optimize and delete backup jobs. Study different tools and methods such as BitLocker or deduplication to optimize the performance of your environments.
- General parameters and how to use them to avoid production bottlenecks, encrypt network traffic and ensure sovereignty.
- Identify and describe the different restoration tools and their functionality. Make sure you know how to use the right restoration tool at the right time.
- Use secure restoration to prevent malware from being restored.
- Disaster recovery: study different scenarios based on real-life cases.
- Tape backup jobs, how to create and modify them.
- Simple and complex backup jobs, how to create and modify them, and best practices for optimizing recovery.
- Create, modify and delete replication jobs, and describe considerations to ensure success.
- Identify and describe replication options, use cases and impacts.
- Identify and describe in detail failover functions and their appropriate use.
- Develop, prepare and test failover plans to ensure recovery.
- Replica-based disaster recovery, responding accordingly to a variety of real-life recovery scenarios.
- Choose the right transfer methods, taking into account the impact of backup functions on the infrastructure.
- Ensure compatibility with existing deduplication solutions.
- Test backups and replicas to make sure you can recover what you want, when you want it.
- Configure Veeams DataLabs and set up a sandbox environment based on storage snapshots, backups and replicas.
- Use Veeam DataLabs Stage Restore to manage RGPD compliance before restoring backups to production.
- Manage multiple Veeam Backup and Replication installations from a single web console, maintain an overview of all virtual environments, ensure data protection in ROBO (Remote Office Branch Office) and enterprise environments.
- Create user roles and groups, delegate tasks while retaining control of data
- Enable encrypted protection of lost passwords, to help restore encrypted data in the event of lost or forgotten passwords.
Backup Exec 20 for Windows - Administration
Your data is critical to your business. Here you will learn how to implement an operational backup and restore system. At the end of this course, participants will have acquired the skills and knowledge needed to install, configure and administer the solution offered by Symantec.
Duration 5 days Reference ASR002
Exec 20
Vos données sont stratégiques pour votre activité. Vous apprendrez ici à mettre en œuvre un système de sauvegardes et de restaurations opérationnel. A l'issue de
cette formation, les participants auront acquis les compétences et connaissances nécessaires à l'installation, la configuration
et à l'administration de la solution proposée par Symantec.
Durée 5jours RéférenceSR002
Who should take this training?
- System administrators, system engineers, technical support personnel, consultants, backup administrators, backup operators, and other professionals responsible for installing, configuring and administering Backup Exec .
Training plan
Introduction to data protection
- Bases de sauvegarde des donnés
- Solution Offerings Symantec
- Backup Exec essentials
- Backup Exec Architecture
- New installation of a Backup Exec server
- Typical installation of Backup Exec
- Custom installation of Backup Exec
- Start Backup Exec
- Backup Exec update
- Upgrade to Backup Exec 15
- Configuring storage devices
- Peripherals management
- Basics of backup work
- Configuring a backup job
- Running a backup job
- Backup and restoration: server management and backup work
- Backups with GRT technology
- Configure Backup Exec to check file backup status
- System state backup
- Basics of restoration work
- Run a restoration job
- Réglage des performances et gestion des périphériques
- Maintenance de la base de données Backup Exec
- Gestion des médias : Data Lifecycle Management, gestion des medias avec les medias set, catalogues de médias
- Bases of Simplified Disaster Recovery
- What's new in the SDR
- Simplified disaster recovery: backup
- Simplified Disaster Recovery: steps for restoring a server
- Creating a custom SDR disk
- Using SDR for disaster recovery
- Basics of conversion to virtual machines
- Supported virtual conversion configurations
- Conversion workflow
- About Central Admin Server Option
- System requirements for installing CASO
- Choice of location for CASO storage and media data
- l'installation de Central Admin Server Option
- Conversion d'un serveur Backup Exec en serveur d'administration central
- Conversion d'un serveur Backup Exec en serveur Backup Exec géré
- Comment réduire le trafic réseau dans CASO
- Emplacements de catalogue distribués, centralisés et répliqués CASO
- Introduction aux agents distants
- Agent pour Windows
- Installation à distance de l’Agent pour Windows à travers le Add Server Wizard
- Installation à distance de l’Agent pour Windows sur des machines virtuelles
- Installation locale de l’Agent pour Windows
- Gestion de l’Agent pour Windows
Agent pour Linux et Agent pour Mac
- Bases sur les Agents pour logiciels et bases
- Installation des agents bases de données
- Agent pour Microsoft Active Directory
- Restauration traditionnelle de Active Directory Restauration GRT
- Installation de l’agent pour Microsoft SQL Server
- Sélections de sauvegarde
- Paramétrage de sauvegarde
- Restauration d’une base de données Microsoft SQL
- Configurations Microsoft SQL non supportées
- Installation de l’agent pour Microsoft Exchange Server
- Ajouter un serveur Exchange ou Database Availability Group
- Sélections de sauvegarde
- Paramétrage de sauvegarde
- Restaurer Exchange
- Restauration d’une base de données Microsoft Exchange Restauration par sélection GRT Restauration par recherche GRT
- Considérations : GRT
- Considérations sur la restauration: Public Folders
- Considérations sur la restauration: Site Mailbox
- Considérations sur la restauration: Database Overwrite
- Considérations sur la restauration: RSG/RDB
- Considérations sur la restauration: Disaster Recovery
- Volume Shadow Copy
- Dépannage : VSS Provider et Exchange Writer
- Bases sur l’agent pour SharePoint Agent
- Ajouter une ferme SharePoint
- Sauvegarder SharePoint
- Restaurer SharePoint
- Technologies de Virtualisation
- Installation de l’agent pour VMware and Hyper-V
- Ajouter un host
- Installer l’agent pour Windows dans des machines virtuelles
- Bases de déduplication et Open Storage Technology
- Installer l’option Déduplication Configurer l’option BE Déduplication
- Exclusions pour déduplication intégré Windows
- Configurer périphériques OST
- Job sauvegarde avec Déduplication
- Configuration déduplication coté client
- Réhydratation
- Duplication optimisée
- Protection du stockage BE Dedup
Formation Veeam Backup
This is a simple hero unit, a simple jumbotron-style component for calling extra attention to featured content or information.
Sign upFormation Veeam Backup
This is a simple hero unit, a simple
jumbotron-style component
for calling extra attention to featured
content or information.
Learning objectives of the Veeam Backup training course:
- Be able to describe usage scenarios for Veeam Availability Suite components and their relevance to their own environment
- Know how to effectively manage data availability in onsite, offsite, cloud and hybrid environments
- Ensure recovery time objectives (RTO) and recovery point objectives (RPO) are met
- Understand how to install and configure Veeam Availability Suite in their environment, ensuring effective data protection
- Be able to adapt to the constantly changing technical, commercial and regulatory needs of an organization
- Ensure that recovery is possible, effective, efficient, safe and compliant with commercial and legal requirements
- Provide visibility of enterprise data assets and produce effective reports and dashboards to monitor performance and risks
- Learn to perform basic troubleshooting and analysis of the Veeam Availability Suite environment
Who should attend this Veeam Backup training course?
- xClient Datacenter Managers/Managers/Engineers, this training course will help you optimize your network performance monitoring.
Training prerequisites?
- Professionals with a sound knowledge of servers, storage, networks and virtualization
Training plan
- Describe RTOs and RPOs, their impact on the business and how to manage and monitor their performance.
- The 3-2-1-1 rule and its importance in a successful backup strategy.
Identify the components of Veeam Backup and Replication and describe their usage scenarios.
- Backup methods, their appropriate use and the underlying impact on the file system.
- Create, modify, optimize and delete backup jobs. Study different tools and methods such as BitLocker or deduplication to optimize the performance of your environments.
- General parameters and how to use them to avoid production bottlenecks, encrypt network traffic and ensure sovereignty.
- Identify and describe the different restoration tools and their functionality. Make sure you know how to use the right restoration tool at the right time.
- Use secure restoration to prevent malware from being restored.
- Disaster recovery: study different scenarios based on real-life cases.
- Tape backup jobs, how to create and modify them.
- Simple and complex backup jobs, how to create and modify them, and best practices for optimizing recovery.
- Create, modify and delete replication jobs, and describe considerations to ensure success.
- Identify and describe replication options, use cases and impacts.
- Identify and describe in detail failover functions and their appropriate use.
- Develop, prepare and test failover plans to ensure recovery.
- Replica-based disaster recovery, responding accordingly to a variety of real-life recovery scenarios.
- Choose the right transfer methods, taking into account the impact of backup functions on the infrastructure.
- Ensure compatibility with existing deduplication solutions.
- Test backups and replicas to make sure you can recover what you want, when you want it.
- Configure Veeams DataLabs and set up a sandbox environment based on storage snapshots, backups and replicas.
- Use Veeam DataLabs Stage Restore to manage RGPD compliance before restoring backups to production.
- Manage multiple Veeam Backup and Replication installations from a single web console, maintain an overview of all virtual environments, ensure data protection in ROBO (Remote Office Branch Office) and enterprise environments.
- Create user roles and groups, delegate tasks while retaining control of data
- Enable encrypted protection of lost passwords, to help restore encrypted data in the event of lost or forgotten passwords.
Formation Veeam Backup
This is a simple hero unit, a simple jumbotron-style component for calling extra attention to featured content or information.
Formation Veeam Backup
This is a simple hero unit, a
simple jumbotron-style component for calling extra
attention to featured content
or information.
Learning objectives of the Veeam Backup training course:
- Be able to describe usage scenarios for Veeam Availability Suite components and their relevance to their own environment
- Know how to effectively manage data availability in onsite, offsite, cloud and hybrid environments
- Ensure recovery time objectives (RTO) and recovery point objectives (RPO) are met
- Understand how to install and configure Veeam Availability Suite in their environment, ensuring effective data protection
- Be able to adapt to the constantly changing technical, commercial and regulatory needs of an organization
- Ensure that recovery is possible, effective, efficient, safe and compliant with commercial and legal requirements
- Provide visibility of enterprise data assets and produce effective reports and dashboards to monitor performance and risks
- Learn to perform basic troubleshooting and analysis of the Veeam Availability Suite environment
Who should attend this Veeam Backup training course?
- xClient Datacenter Managers/Managers/Engineers, this training course will help you optimize your network performance monitoring.
Training prerequisites?
- Professionals with a sound knowledge of servers, storage, networks and virtualization
Training plan
- Describe RTOs and RPOs, their impact on the business and how to manage and monitor their performance.
- The 3-2-1-1 rule and its importance in a successful backup strategy.
Identify the components of Veeam Backup and Replication and describe their usage scenarios.
- Backup methods, their appropriate use and the underlying impact on the file system.
- Create, modify, optimize and delete backup jobs. Study different tools and methods such as BitLocker or deduplication to optimize the performance of your environments.
- General parameters and how to use them to avoid production bottlenecks, encrypt network traffic and ensure sovereignty.
- Identify and describe the different restoration tools and their functionality. Make sure you know how to use the right restoration tool at the right time.
- Use secure restoration to prevent malware from being restored.
- Disaster recovery: study different scenarios based on real-life cases.
- Tape backup jobs, how to create and modify them.
- Simple and complex backup jobs, how to create and modify them, and best practices for optimizing recovery.
- Create, modify and delete replication jobs, and describe considerations to ensure success.
- Identify and describe replication options, use cases and impacts.
- Identify and describe in detail failover functions and their appropriate use.
- Develop, prepare and test failover plans to ensure recovery.
- Replica-based disaster recovery, responding accordingly to a variety of real-life recovery scenarios.
- Choose the right transfer methods, taking into account the impact of backup functions on the infrastructure.
- Ensure compatibility with existing deduplication solutions.
- Test backups and replicas to make sure you can recover what you want, when you want it.
- Configure Veeams DataLabs and set up a sandbox environment based on storage snapshots, backups and replicas.
- Use Veeam DataLabs Stage Restore to manage RGPD compliance before restoring backups to production.
- Manage multiple Veeam Backup and Replication installations from a single web console, maintain an overview of all virtual environments, ensure data protection in ROBO (Remote Office Branch Office) and enterprise environments.
- Create user roles and groups, delegate tasks while retaining control of data
- Enable encrypted protection of lost passwords, to help restore encrypted data in the event of lost or forgotten passwords.
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